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Rewind yourself back in time into the world of tape-delays/echos. With TapeEcho, an all in one max4live device, you get to experience the creative environment of those wobbly, slap-backed and distorted tape delays. 


* Dry/Wet knob - Allows using this patch as both send and in-chain effect.

* Feedback - From 0%-100%

* Tape - A slider to adjust the characteristic/saturation of tape (This also introduces a bit of "hiss" to the overall sound)

* Fixed/CB(Circuit Bend) switch - "Fixed" is letting you choose between 7.5 and 15 IPS for the speed of the delay. CB is letting you "tweak the motor" and adjust the speed to your exact taste, the "Tap" button is an option to tap the speed in CB mode.

* WOW - This feature is for adding a "bump in the motor", a kind of LFO to distort the pitch of the delayed signal. With WOW you can go pretty crazy.

* Filter - A natural one-pole lowpass filter, the filter out some of the delayed signal and hiss.

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